Review template

From my previous mini-review, I’ve started to list down some important things I may need to consider having in my review, or well, the things I will need to consider when discussing the gallery, the art work with in the gallery and the exhibition.


A brief history on the exhibition

Why it’s being presented? what for?

What gallery(s) visiting

What it’s based on

Is there a main focus?

Any key details about items in gallery? History behind it?

What impression did the gallery give you?

Mention a thing about the gallery, how is it placed with in the gallery?

Describe the theme

Key details


How is it represented?

Quotes on the placks

How is the theme presented/addressed?

How are the artworks made?

Features to consider: gallery labels, captions and titles; what objects are introduced and why(Make a list with detailed caption notes to draw from: dates, materials, designer are all important clues for context)?; how are displays?;what perspectives are represented or who is telling the story? what is the agenda. connect objects to the themes listed above.

  • Might try and link the items in with the history of the exhibition as well.

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