Illustration and drawing books of interest

While researching roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago, I found some very interesting finds in the library. Some may laugh at me for stating this, but Quentin Blake is one of my most favourite illustrators. His use of bright, vibrant colours to his illustrations to bring out a character or create mood has always beenContinue reading “Illustration and drawing books of interest”

Drawing week– If buildings could talk.

First week back and we’re now set with our final week of rotations, and this week just happens to be drawing week. Drawing week you say? Yes, I had discussed this previously with in the mark making week, but it’s completely different this time. For the first task given, we were all asked to goContinue reading “Drawing week– If buildings could talk.”

Some negative results…

Testing out some filters in Photoshop, I got some intriguing results by using the negative filter, I got these amazing, vivid and bold lines! It’s always so relaxing to re-use old methods that you’ve used before, but then to practice and play around with new techniques as well. Simply looking at this image, it makesContinue reading “Some negative results…”

Critical thinking — 2/2

Welcome back to another update on the Critical thinking rotation. This time I’ll be quickly whizzing through the last half of the work I’ve accomplished so far for that week; I would like to also let you all keep in mind, that this is a on-going project, so it is not totally complete yet. IContinue reading “Critical thinking — 2/2”

Update 1: Mark Making

Hey everyone. It’s taken me while to get this blog updated, but I shall be honest with every single one of you. Once you’re given something like a video game, or several really good manga volumes for a series you’ve been following for a while, you get distracted. I also had no electricity in myContinue reading “Update 1: Mark Making”

I said I would do it and so I have–

–I took one of these projects further at least…  Taking these into Photoshop and editing them was like a treat. By playing around with the layer settings on the second layer which one of the images were on, I took advantage. I took advantage of the many options I had to chose from, and whatContinue reading “I said I would do it and so I have–”