La Jetee: by Chris Marker

A film consisting of black and white stills sequenced together. Screenplay written and directed by Chris Marker. In depredation caused by the aftermath of world war two, a man and the other leftover people who have survived the tragedy start researching in to time travel. The man, however has occurring flashbacks of moments from his childhoodContinue reading “La Jetee: by Chris Marker”

CIP: Pastiche brief 1560

Since receiving the brief, I’ve been looking in to and narrowing down who I would like to talk about and create the video. The brief wants us to develop a video between 15 and 60 seconds highlighting and demonstrating our critical thinking of someone with major, creative purpose of influence with in the arts/creative industry.

CIP; Pastiche1560: Wayfinding Exercise

Wayfinding Referring to a system of information that helps to guide people, or individuals through a specific, set system or/and route that gives them an understanding and experience on the space around them.  (Source) A video story boarding workshop was set for this day. Going off in our groups, we separated in to two separateContinue reading “CIP; Pastiche1560: Wayfinding Exercise”