Puppet research for CCS essay

Carrying on with some research, I got down some notes for my chosen object.  It took me a while to make a final decision from my four trips to three different museums, but I have made a final decision.  I started off making a list of the things that stood out to me in the museum, which were the Japanese dolls (Bethnal green), Punch and Judy puppets (Bethnal green) and a Merry-go-round model (Bethnal green). I figured that there wasn’t any thing that stood out in the other two museums to me and I really was fond of a lot of things in the museum of childhood and I had to pick only one of these three; which led me to the puppets.

At first, it would of been the merry-go-round, but after spending four hours of searching on Google for it, I couldn’t find an ounce of information about it. It was a huge disappointment and a waste of my time to put it bluntly.

So, I went for Punch and Judy. Punch and Judy have a lot to talk about and could be something considered a treasure to British history, but there’s a problem, I can only talk about one of the puppets and I’m certain that I’ll discuss about the Punch puppet. He has a lot more to him compared to Judy because he’s the one in the show, that usually starts and ends the drama.

My notes so far, that I’ll need to concentrate on are:

  • Puppets- Influenced others
  • Entertainment
  • social influences
  • story behind
  • Influenced slapstick comedy
  • Popular culture of Victorian era
  • There’s a possibility that there’s plenty of documentaries on the history on the puppets


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