Kinetic typography with Michelle– Agree, disagree and help.

The workshop for kinetic typography proved to be very useful towards my project; it let me find new methods and discover some techniques that I could use to start making or editing my motion type. I figured out that there were some transitions with in my short story, that I hadn’t quite figured out yet,Continue reading “Kinetic typography with Michelle– Agree, disagree and help.”

Motion type in films

The majority of film sequences use some interesting type effects, but I don’t pay enough attention to notice that.  Even very well known openings to films keep to the same old traits and are bound by their own aspects. Star Wars’ original opening. Otherwise known as the ‘crawl’, could be recognised easily. I simply adoreContinue reading “Motion type in films”

Adrian and Kieron’s workshops – pt1

Starting off with Adrian’s workshop for the morning up until 1pm, we were introduced to this pretty handy program called ‘After effects’. I can’t remember, if I mentioned before, if I’ve worked with this program in the past or not? but well, it was a new experience, as I was able to learn some veryContinue reading “Adrian and Kieron’s workshops – pt1”

Utterly moving words: First experimentations with words; ideas and workshops. 2/?

A brief update with the ‘Bang’ experimentation from the paper cut outs. Some of them turned out pretty well, while others didn’t turn out as good. The positive side to this task was that it gave me some ideas for what I could do with this current project. It also allowed me to test theContinue reading “Utterly moving words: First experimentations with words; ideas and workshops. 2/?”

Photography workshop- Week 3

It’s been a very, long while since I’ve updated here, but to start off, I’ll be giving a brief feedback on the last week of the photography workshop which I attended. Compared to the previous two weeks where they were more experimentive with developing photos on the photographic paper (is that what you call it?)Continue reading “Photography workshop- Week 3”

Other posters.

While I had a little free time over the weekend, I really, really wanted to at least get down a poster idea for one of GOATBEDs songs, which was another song that I unfortunately didn’t choose for the final three songs.  I made a little sketch of an idea I had for the song ‘Yama-ha’. Continue reading “Other posters.”