Design Competition: Poster workshop (P1)

The first part of our experimental poster work shop; getting in to our groups, we had a table with some objects and we were given some instructions to follow by Regular Practice. While it was a very constructive afternoon, I found it was getting messier by the moment as I worked my stick in withContinue reading “Design Competition: Poster workshop (P1)”

Looking at songs.

Searching through my playlist; admittedly, I found it very hard to decide attributable to I have a lot of songs that I do listen to every day and on a daily basis. Not only that, most of the songs I listen to are in other languages, besides English and it tends to be those ones,Continue reading “Looking at songs.”

Drawing week-Part two- Circle line

In the one day, it was spent observing situations in people’s behaviour and manner on the Circle line in the Underground. While collecting this data,  I used a pen and my notebook to capture gestures made by those who sat in a particular seat, for example near the window or by the door. I hadContinue reading “Drawing week-Part two- Circle line”

Drawing week– If buildings could talk.

First week back and we’re now set with our final week of rotations, and this week just happens to be drawing week. Drawing week you say? Yes, I had discussed this previously with in the mark making week, but it’s completely different this time. For the first task given, we were all asked to goContinue reading “Drawing week– If buildings could talk.”